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Manhattan Penthouse & Alger House is Celebrating 40 years!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Our New Year's Resolution to You

Well, we made it! It's now 2013 and the world is still up and running. No rapture, no secret planets crashing into Earth, and no apocalypse! 

As everyone knows, with New Year's comes New Year's Resolutions! Whether it's to finally lose that last 5 pounds, joining the gym, watching less reality TV (we know, we know; Honey Boo Boo is addicting. But C'mon, stop watching!), or something different altogether, we've all made promises to ourselves that we will finally change things for the better.

Our Manhattan-based venues are no different. We have also made some New Year's Resolutions. But, probably unlike all of your resolution's, ours have been the same for 40 years. Our standing resolution is to be the absolute BEST venues in New York City for weddings and corporate events. We believe passionately that we owe it to you to be the absolute best we can be. We have been improving for 40 years, and see no reason to stop doing that now! 

But don't just take our word for it; Call us today and find out firsthand what makes the Alger House and Manhattan Penthouse the absolute best values that NYC has to offer.

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